12 March 2005

I am on a mission

Point One: Will lose five kilos by May.

Will do it by..

Watching calorie intakes and be turned off by how many grams of fat that are on most food.

Going back to the gym and doing roughly forty minutes of cardio every visit.

Have fitness assessment.

Keep on reminding myself that the Japanese Whaling group would always appear everytime I'd go near a pool or the beach if I don't go through with this.

Posting thinner pictures of myself all over my room.

Take a piece of clothing from my thinner days and hang it prominently to where I can see it often - a constant reminder that I would want to fit in it one day.

Point Two: Would want to be physically active.

Will do this by...

Going to Tae Kwon Do or Martial Arts Classes. Have this mental image of myself with a Black Belt. Though unattainable, still is desirable. Plus, you never know.

Point Three: Not to get pulled in by my constant guilt-trips from work.

Will do this by...

Not answering my mobile phone whenever they call.

Not giving in to anyone asking me to cover their shifts. Twenty hours is enough for me.

Point Four: Concentrate more on getting higher marks this semester.

Will do this by...

Keeping an organiser that holds all my activities and appointments.

Prioritise group meetings, study sessions, lectures and tutorials above anything else.

Point Five: Be more involved in University Activities

Will do this by...

Joining Japan Club. Going on a cruise with the club - with open bar and lots of interesting people on board.

Joining the Malaysian Club. Having a party at Stradbroke Island and basically just having time off from all the stress after the mid-semester exams.

Point Six: Think more on travelling the world by myself.

Will do this by...

Saving up money and having a target budget by the end of each month.

Not be terrified by the thought of travelling alone.

Learning how to read maps.

Point Seven: Be debt-free by April

Will do this by...

Detox on shopping sprees and holding my credit card on hostage for a couple of months


Nikki Carter (har har!)

A written contract is binded in the state of Queensland.

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