Not in a bitch-fight kinda way.
We lost cos she sucked at bowling.
Uh-huh. Yep. That's right. She sucked. More than me.
James, Amber (the giddy couple) B and I all went bowling. We made a bet that whoever loses will have the liberty to hook up with guys in the club that we'll be staying at in Brisbane on Saturday.
It didn't apply on James and Amber though cos Amber didn't like the idea. Duh. Ya think?
James for some reason was keen on hooking up with girls. It was weird. We were thinking of a consequence while playing and he kept on insisting that pick-up rule should apply to them, too.
Dude, come on. Your girlfriend is standing right there beside you, you retard.
Anyway, to make it short, we agreed.
We played two games. We were winning. We really were. Then B started sucking. And sucking s'more. And eventually we lost.
So not only my ego got bruised from losing to the gruesome twosome but I have to get some guy's phone number on Saturday as a penalty.
Honeslty, who needs enemies when you have them as friends?
+ + + +
A lot happened over the weekend.
I've been painting. Painting. Painting.
Been doing some bed-window-shopping with B, too.
I want to buy a new bed. You can get a really nice ensemble for 700 bucks. Pretty cheap and it was really awesome. The ensemble that I fell in love with was stunning, I tell you. It's mahogany coloured queen-sized bed. Will post photo as soon as I have the money to buy it.
While grazing through beds at the shop. Moto whined. A call from a company I applied.
How fucking weird. I send resumes here and there without much enthusiasm. I haven't been putting out a happy vibe everytime I email my resume to prospective employers.
After a year of being on hiatus on job-searching, I got a call back.
I always assumed that it's not a good time right now to be looking for jobs but was I ever wrong. They asked me to come in for an interview.
This morning, I went. I sent a silent thank you prayer to God because my interviewer was a guy. I always work well with male interviewers. I can make them laugh and I somehow always get my message across without any effort at all.
This guy was not an exception. He started telling me how he'll resign in four weeks cos he's off to Dubai with his family. I started telling him how one of my cousins got offered to go to Dubai with his family as well as being offered a really good package with it. We started talking about culture shocks and we took it from there.
There wasn't an awkward moment. After half an hour, he told me he'd contact my referees for background check. I almost shit myself when he said that. I had conflict with my manager at the moment and I prayed that she'll still put in a good for me. Then, if all went according to plan, I'll starting training on Thurday. If.
If. If. If.
Please. Please. Please.
+ + + +
Antonette, one of my filo girlfriends saw me at Beer Garden last week. She approached me and introduced me to Tobey. Her ex-boyfriend.
Imagine this: Half-filo guy who speaks Norwegian.
Yep. He's that hot.
I didn't pay much attention as I was busy rocking hard with the band and my two girlfriends.
But now I know why she gets pissed off when someone makes a move on her man.
Yesterday, I saw him at uni. I was talking to one of my friends when I saw him waiting for the bus. He looked at me and waved. I looked over my shoulder. Was he smiling and waving at me or someone behind me?
I saw him walking towards me.
"Ok, I gotta go," I said to my friend rather quickly then I turned and faced Tobey.
"Aren't you Mickey?"
"Err... No"
"Didn't we meet at Beer Garden?"
"Yeah, actually I think we did. Weren't you with Antonette?"
"Yeah. I'm sorry I didn't get your name. It was loud."
"I'm nikki, I didn't get yours either." I know who he is but I don't want to be too keen.
"So I just missed the first letter. But not all. That's good. I'm Tobey."
And we got to talk. He didn't get on the bus that passed by. He waited for the second one just so he could talk to me.
He asked for my number and asked me if we can hang out altogether - with Antonette.
I said no. Told him I don't have a life and that my life revolves around work and uni.
"But I heard you always go to clubs. I also met you in one."
Ooops. I've been lying to his face left and right but I still couldn't bring myself to go with them. It's too weird. I don't hang with his group. Why start now?
He asked me if I know a Filipina who goes to Uni. He said her name and I said I do.
"The skank." I mumbled under my breath.
"I beg yours?"
"Do you know her?"
"Unfortunately the Filipino community here is rather small. So yea."
"She just messaged me to say hi. Just now."
"Oh. just to say hi?"
"Well, she is very friendly. But I'm sure you'll find that one out on your own."
"What do you mean?"
I was giving away information but just enough to get him curious. I wan't gona tell him what I think of her. Let him find out on his own. Which I know he will. She won't be able to resist him.
I wanted to tell Antonette but she surprised me by messaging me and telling me the exact same thing. I've been neutral ever since but now I just don't care.
I have my own opinion about all of them and it just won't change.
The funny thing is, no matter how pathetic you feel-slash-think you are, there will always be someone more pathetic than you.
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