"Mum, i have something to tell you. Promise you won't get mad?"
"What is it? Tell me and I'll tell you if I'll get mad."
"I had sex..."
It was a joke. I just wanted to see if she's still conservative with the thought of her daughter having sex. Apparently, no matter how old I get, she'll still be a mum.
I just walked off the kitchen after that.
In That Place II
His packing his bags for Sydney.
Well, maybe we should help him pack. LOL.
Maybe we should. Wana?
Err..no. I'd rather study for my finals, dude. It starts tomorrow remember?
No chance you'd help him pack?
Fuck no.
Fine I'll tell him.
Tell him what?
That you're not going. He wanted me to ask you if you can help him pack.
Get his fiance to pack for him for fuck's sake. Talk later.
SMS exchange with J this afternoon. Something that really bummed me out. I was in the library just about ready to snap when all of a sudden moto lit up to tell me that. I had to go home and just study in my room because I knew one way or another she'll manage to find me at uni and drag my sorry ass to Muay Boy's house.
Truly and finally, I'm over it.
The girls and I met a guy last night while driving around Burleigh Heads. His name's Marcel. He's from Brazil and he's got the cutest accent. He surfs and he's very friendly. We talked T into hooking up with him because T has been going through a lot lately. We gave him our numbers and hopefully he calls before Friday cos that's when the rest of the girls [minus me, of course] would go clubbing.
Taboo Territory
Ever felt so attracted to someone that you just can't stop thinking about him. Ever felt the connection and the buzz between you two that every single time you see him you just have to smile foolishly?
So why am I wingeing about this, you ask?
He's living with his girlfriend [aka partner].
It's a serious one. I can tell you that much. I know that he somehow in his own way likes me though. Everytime he sees me at work, he lights up. Literally he just smiles and tells me how good it is to see me again. Also asked for my number cos he wanted to hang out with me and the rest of the group at work. I'm a bit hesitant to do a group thing with him becasue I'm just so attracted to him it's not even funny. During the briefing on Saturday, one of the guys asked for a piece of paper from me and I had to lean over him to give the paper to the guy and I swear I saw him smell my hair. When he saw me look at him with this weird look on my face he goes, "coconuts?"
Damn. It.
Why am I always always attracted to unavailable guys?
Will be on hiatus for a few more days. Be back soon. Hopefully with enough goss to compensate my absence.
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