James and Amber broke up. Straight after we met the Brazilian guy at Burleigh, she sent him a text message and dumped him. We were skeptical at first, I mean, in one month that they'd gone out, they broke up a thousand times already, why would this be any different?
So yeah, she sent him a message telling him it's over. The next day he called her up and threatened her that he'd stab himself if she didn't get back together withn him. He's really fucked up. Apparently, he was drunk too. At four o'clock in the afternoon. Who the hell drinks in the afternoon?
It's so weird having to see Amber without James. But I suppose it's for the better. She so deserves so much better. I honestly didn't think that James deserved her. I didn't. At all.
IKEA, Swedish spas, Swedish massage, Swedish guys...
I love Sweden.
Remember Codename: Frodo? Well, he's not keen on hooking up with T. But he's keen to hang out with me. I just realised how funny he really is. We started hanging out at the canteen at around two o'clock yesterday and we got out of there at five thirty. But his friend, Tom in particular caught my eye. We all were in the tute class together studying business communication. And us three hit it off. We were like a couple - I don't know how that would work but we were inseperable every Thursday afternoon. From lecture straight to the tutorial. My first half of the year was a blast mainly becuase I told myself I'd be happy this year. Making new friends and not at all commit just yet. So yeah, I made pretty cool friends this semester.
During the study week, we bump into each other in the library each and every single one of us in dire need to release the stress and the tension.
I was talking with Tom when I was in the library and he was telling me that he wished he didn't have to go back to Sweden for a month because he really loved Gold Coast. And also, he'll miss my twenty-first. Aww.. I told him that B is having a party on Saturday night and that him and Frodo should come.
"Oh, I'm not sure. Frodo is not really keen to hook up with your friend. I don't think he'll come because he knows that if he did, she'll be all over him."
I told him I'll be there and I won't let anyone rape them.
Tom laughed and I blurted out the most stupid thing that my tired brain can think of.
"You have beautful teeth." Nikki, What the fuck?
I swear, I was all red. Where the hell did that come from? And teeth of all things? Eww....
I was really embarassed. Made a mental note to myself not to talk to him anymore as of fear of making an ass out of myself.
That's when I realised that I like this guy. I don't do stupid things in front of guys unless I like them.
Exhibit One: Raymond - We were having dinner together and he was telling me a joke and I was reaching for a drink when he got to the punchline. I spat on him. Spewed my drink all over his face. He thought it was funny. I'm laughing about it now but that was my very first date and it went W-R-O-N-G.
Exhibit Two: Ex-boyfriend - were walking along Vito Cruz in Manila picking up the pillow he bought for me from his friend when I slipped. I fell over. I really did, in front of him. I had to grab on to him for support. It was embarassing and we only started going out back then. He thought it was cute, I was ready to die.
Exhibit Three: Cute guy at the gym - This was in Southport. I was walking around the mall waiting for my mum to finish her food shopping when I saw this unbelievably cute guy working out in the gym. I was perving on him - naturally. While walking. Let me tell you now, perving and walking - not a good combination. So I was perving while walking and there was a pole. I ran straight to it. With a bang, I might add. He actually stopped working out cos it was that loud. The people in different shops went out to see what the noise was. I just pretended that I didn't know what happened and I ran.
Exhibit Four: Stalker ex-boyfriend - We were in ATC when we decided to watch a movie together - Ocean's Twelve I think it was. I sat on our chair when I felt something sticky. I sat on a gum. And I was wearing jeans and a baby tee. I didn't have any sweater to cover my bum. I had to tell him cos I was fidgeting and trying to take the gum out of my bum.
Exhibit Five: German Guy - Was at the coffeehouse at uni when I saw him waiting in line for a coffee. I was nervous and I was waiting for my coffee. The guy didn't even know me. I knew he wasn't gona talk to me or anything. I reached for a spoon from the dispenser and knocked the whole thing on the ground. Everyone turned and looked. I had no choice but to pick up the spoons. He helped me, though. Tee hee.
I swear, you can't take me anywhere.
+ + + +
My cousin and this Melbourne guy have been in contact for years now. He goes to Manila everytime he has the chance and he calls me to see how my cousin is doing. I think he likes her. But I'm not sure. He's alright looking. He looks like Seth Green. In a geeky kind of way. But I don't think they know each other that much to actually be serious about each other. I'm happy that she's happy. She finally finally snapped out of it. Thank God. My cousin is moving on.
+ + + +
Three down, one more to go.
Exams, that is. As soon as I finished my finals I'm gona get so drunk I wouldn't wake up in two days.
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