I didn't want to go out last night so I went to Blockbuster and hired three movies - romantic comedies, anyone?
My head was in a state of confusion so I camped out in our living room and watched TV till my eyes were sore.
The OC - Gave me the creeps. The episode was with Trey harassing Mischa Barton and the preview for next week freaked me out even more. Trey stalking Marissa. A little too familiar for Nikki's taste.
Rove Live - Cracked me up last night. Last night was about real people who looked like the casts of The Simpsons. One had an uncanny resemblance with groundskeeper Willy.
Why have I decided to stay in for the night, you ask?
I'm confused. The Taboo Territory person really went in for the kill. He really made me confused. But I'm telling you, I'm not gona go down that way. Never ever.
All in all, it was a good night for me. Honey Chicken, Peppermint Tea, Three DVDs, Adam Brody and Rove McManus - What more can I ask?
Gruesome Twosome patched things up
Yep, the Gruesome Twosome got back together. After listening to Amber's raves about meeting the hot American lawyer from the bar, James wasn't able to contain himself. With only the last ounce of self-respect in his body, he begged Amber to take him back. Damn it, so close.
Amber is in love with him. I know that now. Hot American Lawyer VS Drunken Filo idiot? It must be love.
But James is kinda growing on me. Sure, we don't talk when we hang out but he's become part of the group. Plus, apparently, he's behaving himself this past few days.
Feeling sorry ain't gona help, darling
Don't feel sorry for me. I can take care of myself - my cousin said to me this morning. So early in the morning he messaged me and asked me if I can get online. Since I vowed to listen more, I went online. Then the yelling start...
Don't feel sorry for me, he said.
I don't need your pity, he said.
Just cos you're doing great doesn't mean I'm not, he said.
I asked him if he asked me to get online just so he can yell at me.
He said no. He just hated the fact that he's losing his mind and I'm in a different continent shacking up with guys named Fabio and Thane when he's not been able to move on from his ex-girlfriend.
Oh by the way, if it's not obvious, he reads my blog.
I didn't know what to say after that. I've never seen him like this. I always though he'd be able to move on as soon as one cute girl dares to show interest in him, but he's stuck on her.
I know what I'm gona do.
I'll pray. I haven't been praying and going to church for a long time. I should start again. Or get him to read PDL. I don't know what to about him anymore, he's making me cut back on my sleep by texting me way too early. He prank calls me every night to see if I'm still awake. He sends me superlong emails and messages at friendster. I have me my very own stalker - wait, that's not funny.
I don't know what to do anymore. Please help me help my cousin. Naks, kinda like a charity, eh?
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