24 June 2005

A Lazy Day for the Two Lazy Ass Girls

What are you doin'? I asked my best friend on Wednesday afternoon.

Just chilling. Wana just laze around together? She asked.

Sounds good, meet you in twenty.

Bring your bathers, we'll hang at the sauna.

After locating my gym bag, packing my bathers and looking for my car keys, I was out the door in ten minutes.

Went over to her place and picked her up then went to the clubhouse. Since I don't have anything to do for the next five weeks, I started bombarding her with questions about what to do on my twenty-first. Asking her about where we'll get the apartment, who's coming, what to eat... the works.

Then she flared up.

"Nakakainis naman eh. It was meant to be a surpirse. You're ruining it. It's cos you have so much free time to think about. I spoke to your mum about it but now you're all keen to plan your party. Fine, let's talk about it."

So we talked. We made a head count. We're going to hire the apartment where she had her 18th and we have to allocate a budget for the whole thing. For alcohol and food. We're not going clubbing cos I figured that we'd probabaly be drunk by then we won't be able to walk to the clubs.

I already asked mum. She was a bit hesitant about letting me throw a party because I already had my debut when I turned 18 but it's different this time. 21st birthdays are big and I want to be able to spend it with my friends. So she said yes.

Twenty minutes into the sauna, it broke. It cut our pampering short. Was all good, we decided to go to the spa instead. Was keen to the idea til we got a feel of the water. Was freaking cold. Dammit.

So we laid under the sun and talked. We're not bums, we just love our days off.

We talked about Thane. We talked about Tiana. We talked about James and Amber. We talked about Taboo Territory Guy. We talked about Brazilian Dudes. We talked about Nick and we talked about her boyfriend.

It's funny how we hang out every single day but we still find things to talk about. Really funny. You'd think that after years of being friends, always in contact with each other, we'd run out of things to say, think again.

She suggested that we should drive to the beach. So we did. We also perved while driving. We have this thing of perving at guy in cars next to us. Would rev the engine and see if they respond. If they revved back, they're interested, if they didn't, then they're not. We always get a rev back but we never race. Imagine Nikki in her little green car racing a V8? Too funny to even think it.

Was in Main Beach. The ocean was beautiful. Times like those make me realise how lucky I am to be living in the Gold Coast. Literally ten minutes away from Surfers Paradise - Australia's Miami.

It was cold when we first set foot on the beach but we braved it. Us Gold Coasters never went to the beach. We hardly ever go to the beach. You can see Japanese tourists paying $100.00 just by having a look at the beautiful sand and just to take pictures but the locals don't. That's how you separate the locals from the tourists. Excepts surfers - which I vowed to be in the future.

We caught waves and were just being a kid. It was fun. So relaxing and refreshing. I love the Gold Coast. Love it, love it, love it, love it.

Who needs Boracay, huh C?

Don't get me wrong, I still want to go to Boracay but how can you not love this?

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B wanted to do something after so we decided to call my mum's friend's son. He was a bitch. Hadn't replied at all. I think he hates me now cos of the whole Saturday thing. It wasn't my fault. I wasn't gona come meet them all by myself if my mates were at a party. B said he was pretty disappointed that's why I messaged him and asked him if he wanted to go out - but no reply. Oh, well.

Then Mark, from Friendster came up to Brisbane. Mark, the Australian guy who messaged me at Friendster ages ago who lives in Tasmania. He did mention he'll come up for holidays but I didn't really believe him until he messaged yestreday morning asking me if I can come pick him in the airport. What a weirdo. I don't even know him. Good luck trying to get me to drive to Brisbane Airport. Of course I didn't. He messaged me straight after he arrived and asked me if I want to go to Brisbane and meet with them. It was already 7pm. B and I weren't going to drive for an hour just for them. Stuff that.

If they called and tell us that they're here in the Gold Coast, we'll meet with them but we're not going to Brissy just for that. Eww, hell no.

We got Martin, B's cousin to go to Beer Garden with us. He wanted to play pool. I was bragging that I'm good. Of course I'm not, but I can put up a fight. Beer Garden was full. A lot of sleazes too. So we went to Bourbar Bar instead. We met a guy and it turned out he is bouncer in the club and that it was his day off. He played pool with Martin and Martin totally kicked his ass. B's cousin is good. I drank beer - got a bit tipsy cos I haven't drank beer for a while. I've become a vodka person. Went to Charlie's after and just chilled out for a couple of hours. Got home at 2am.

For two lazy girls, we did a pretty good job.

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