20 June 2005


Five weeks of holiday, baby!!

I finished my last exam on Saturday. Was hard. Am not thinking about it now, though. As promised, I got a bit drunk on Saturday night.

"Man, you're very touchy when you get drunk. You're a happy drunk." B told me last night while having coffee.

I didn't drink that much but I was tired for having to study for two weeks and having to put up with the stress so after two cans of vodka, I was all giddy and all huggy with everyone - Thane's brothers.

Remember Thane? The guy I hooked up with in Brisbane about a month ago. Well, his brother called Tiana up cos he just had a baby girl and he was celebrating along with his mates. Tiana agreed to come because Thane was there - she wants him so I'm not gona go there.

So we went. Thane's brothers are hotter than him. His older brother in particular was hot. I still think he is but he's in a relationship - 'nuff said.

Everybody was so drunk. They were playing bingo when we arrived. I was keen to play bingo but when we got there we all went outside for a drink and a smoke. Thane gave us all a hug and I got a feel of his strong body - I'm such a pervert! I can't help it though. I've developed an enormous crush on this guy.

All throughout the night, I've been getting calls from friends asking me what time we'll show up at Surfers. Bernie was the one answering my calls. Thane and the others wanted us to cancel our plans and just basically get drunk at their place. His older brother offered his bed for us three girls - no guys will jump you, Thane said.

Anyway, this guy, mum's friend's son [does that make sense?] called me up cos I told him that if he didn't have any plans he should just give us a call. We made plans to meet them outside beer garden at 10:30pm but the guys were telling us that we shouldn't. Thane wanted to call him to tell him that we're not coming. James, one of the guys in the party [not Amber's boyf - i'll get to that in a bit] told me that I shouldn't give him the time of the day if I'm not interested. Thane got my phone and was dialling and I jumped on him from behind. I guess my animal instinct really wanted me to jump him. I was drunk, bear with me. He's just too cute. I swear.

"Did I just see you stumble?"

I stumbled.

"That's twice." And he was laughing and smiling at me. Too cute.

Anyway, the Brazilian Dude called me up as well. Bernie was the one unfortunate enough to answer my phone.

"Fuck man, it was a mission talking to this guy."

They wanted to meet at Surfers as well. Tiana was keen to go. I didn't want to go cos I wanted to perve on Thane some more but Tiana was already catching on to what I was doing so I gave in.

We left the party at 11pm promising them that we'll come back after two hours. Marcel, the Brazilian dude was there along with one of his mates - one of the cutest Brazilian I could ever meet. Hands down, he's cute - if only he could be a little bit taller. Don't you just love guys cute enough to be put in your pocket?

Anyway, we wanted to go to Beer Garden to just play pool but they didn't let the two guys in cos they wanted a passport for ID and they didn't bring it.

Bernie saw that Thirsty Merc was onstage and she had a gut feeling that her boyfriend might be in. So she dragged me in and we took a look around if Nick [not best friend Nick but boyf Nick.] was in. While walking past the dance floor. One very drunk guy groped my ass.

"B, he just groped my ass."

"He was hot though."


I didn't mind after that. You kinda get used to it when you go clubbing on a weekly basis.

We didn't see his boyfriend. I told her that I think Fabio - Marcel's friend was cute. She wanted me to go hook up with him but I already told them I have a boyfriend - it was a tiny while lie B and I decided to tell so Tiana will be the only one single in the group. How am I suppose to know that Fabio would turn out to be adorable?

We finally got into a club and Tiana and Marcel were at it. I actually got scared that they would probably throw us out for indecent exposure. But B said it's normal. So I left them alone. The prude in me is still alive.

I hooked up with Fabio [not the Italian model but I wish]. I felt bad though cos he thinks I have a boyfriend and I went for him. So that made me, in his eyes, a cheater. But I'll live. He was a good kisser. Really good.

He was the one telling me that I'm single tonight and tomorrow will be another day or something like that - I don't know, I was very drunk.

But I kinda wish he won't call cause it's such a mission trying to talk to them. I can't take the language barrier crap.

It was a good night. Scratch that. It was a good day. I finished my exam, I hooked up, I got to perve on Thane and Thane is coming over for my 21st. Yay! Perfect way to end my semester at uni.

Life is good.

Warnings like this

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Makes me want to smoke more.

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