My emotional personality took its day off so I'm back to being "nice and perky". Don't laugh.
Dinner over at Bernie's on Saturday was fun. Had the whole group over and it was a blast. James, as always was pissed drunk. I'm talking about being off his face. He was a funny drunk that guy. Was pissing myself laughing. We decided to go clubbing for a little while after the dinner and I was the designated driver.
No drinking tonight, I told myself..
Also, I was still recovering from the nasty hung over I got the night before so all was well for everyone. I came to realise that clubbing while sober bores me to death. I was ready to go. I wasn't happy but everybody was so I left it at that.
Some pics worth posting up here..
The girls: Bernie, Amber, Tiana and me
From left: Aussie, Nick, Nikki, Tiana, James, Amber and Bernie
James, Nick and Me
Tiana and I
Bernie, Tiana and I
Aside from the occasional teasing I got from the group, the night turned out to be really soothing. We all needed that after the night we had. As she said, some stuff that happened on Friday night, are better left unsaid. Trust me.
This is just a photo blog. Hope you peeps enjoy it.
Oh, about the title of this blog. Just mucking around. Was listening to the song while cruising tonight and it kinda stuck in my head.
What was up with that?
Yeah. He did move to Sydney. Yeah. He did start his new job yesterday.
He called me up to tell me how his first day went. We ended up messaging each other all throughout the night. He wanted me to be the first one to know that he finds his high-paying job worthy.
I'm glad. No really, I am. It makes me want to move to Sydney and live with him. Wait. Scratch that. I can't. He's engaged.
Jeez, Nikki. Too much Vodka makes you stupid.
A peak
Some things shouldn't be mentioned. Especially what happened on Friday Night. We were smashed. All of us were.
I don't like Vodka, Aussie said.
I don't feel too good, I said.
I'm smashed, B said.
I'm fucked, James said.
I'm horny, Nick said.
Ok. But that didn't stop us from drinking a slab of Smirnoff Vodka and Jim Beam.
It was really a big one. I've been drunk before but not that trashed. Hell no, not even close.
The shit that we get ourselves into. The thing is, we all live at home. Every single one of us. But we still manage to do shitty stuff. We're not proud of it but we have each other's backs, that's for sure.
Reinforcement at its finest
A guy who messaged me at Friendster a while back. Remember him? The guy who lives in Hobart who wanted to meet me before? Well, we met. With Bernie. I called Amber to tell her to call us as soon as we give the signal just so we can have a reason to get out of there if we found him unattractive.
Sure he had a picture up in his friendster account but it was blurry and I couldn't really see. Now, I know why.
We were over at Charlie's for coffee when this hobo-looking man approached us.
"I think that's him," B said.
"Omigod, he's walking towards us,"
It was him. He was fugly [fucking ugly]. Shivers. I couldn't stand it. As soon as he sat down B started messaging Amber telling her to call us - quickly.
I started smoking [made a promise to B that I won't smoke if the guy is a hottie - he ain't, so I reached for a cigarette]. He started telling us the horrors of smoking. Mate, don't you think we don't know that? Honestly.
He then asked me if I wanted to get drunk. "Fuck no," Not with him.
Amber called a minute later. B answered and Amber was laughing her ass off on the other end of the line. B was going, "Sweetie, are you alright? Omigod, Nikki! Amber just crashed her mum's car." She then passed me the phone.
I spoke to Amber and the bitch wouldn't stop laughing. As soon as I said hello she asked how ugly he was straight away.
"Is he really ugly?" She had us on speakerphone so her brother and her mum could hear us. I couldn't talk cos I don't trust myself. I couldn't even look at B for fear that I'd crack up.
I was already smiling so I told him that Amber and I aren't really that close. And that she can't drive in the rain cos she can't see properly. And that she just broke up with her boyfriend cos he cheated on her. And that she already smashed her own car. And that she just got her licence. And that her mum's car is being towed. We had bullshit dribbling out of our mouths.
After a while, Bernie told him that we had to go.
He wanted me to stay back and for Bernie to leave and pick Amber up. I was scared. Bernie then told him that she needed me there to speak with Amber as she will be the one doing the talking with the police. Very smooth, B.
I feel guilty but it would be an utter mistake if I stayed. I met up with him cos I promised him I would. I didn't say I'd spend the rest of the night talking with him. I just feel bad on how we left. I seriously just stood up and walked off. I didn't say good bye or anything.
Yep, am a bitch.
Just to be the next to be with you
I just have to post it up here
To be with you
Hold on little girl
Show me what he's done to you
Stand up little girl
A broken heart can't be that bad
When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you
I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you
Build up your confidence
So you can be on top for once
wake up who cares about
Little boys that talk too much
I've seen it all go down
Your game of love was all rained out
So come on baby, come on over
Let me be the one to hold you
I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you
Why be alone when we can be together baby
You can make my life worthwhile
And I can make you start to smile
When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you
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