05 July 2005

When the going gets tough

He calls me.

Muay Boy called me up the other night telling me that him and his fiance had a fight and that he wanted to move out. What do I say after that? It's not fair that he calls me everytime he's in a state and just expects me to give him a soothing advice - so I did what I had to do. Told him I was off to bed and hung up.

Came a text message twenty minutes after: I guees I was hoping you'd say you want to get back together.

Went to bed after that. Next morning came another message: Kidding, don't get mad, I was only kidding.

He better be. I'm not up for that. I don't think I ever will.

But he's a friend. Always will be. No questions asked.

What is it?

With break up letters, us girls and closure?

I mean, who gives a fuck about that? No one. Do you think guys read it? They'll laugh when they read the goodbye letter. They probably won't even read it. Just chuck it in a bin and get on with their day. Honestly, that's what blokes do.

By the way, I'm on bitter mode.

Tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow..

Am a geek, I passed all my subjects this semester. More reason to get drunk on my birthday weekend.

I'm turning twenty-one, baby!!!

Him or Her

It's hard to make choices. Especially life-altering ones. But choices that aren't life-altering are just as hard. Life how you have to choose between two people who had become a part of your life, that had grown on you. It's hard but still you have to do it.

Selfish me: I wish this happens after my twenty-first.

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